Surfers for Cetaceans
Whale Art

S4Chas great resources and information share with you. Please visit each of the links below and get involved in your community to support the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and marine life. It's through compassion, awareness, education, media and dedicated interventions that we will accomplish this goal. Enjoy.

1. Join the Visual Petition - Activate your community and get others to do the same.

2. Educate yourself about the issue and tell family, friends and strangers about what is happening to the ocean.

3. Stop eating fish and other animals that contribute to the depletion and destruction of the ocean.

4. Volunteer by giving us your details and how you would like to help. We will keep you informed when important information comes out and contact you if and when we have something in your area you can help with. Click here to Join.

5. Donate to S4C Global.